If you have water leaking from the mains supply or from a domestic appliance, fixed water tank, fixed central-heating system or the water pipe, this is classed as an Escape of Water Loss.
The most common cause of escape of water is burst pipes, which usually occur in freezing weather. There were 21700 escape of water claims in 2023, which makes it a very real problem for homeowners.
However, escape of water can also be caused by faulty boilers, leaking domestic appliances (washing and dishwashers), over filling baths or sinks or internal plastic pipes failing due to poor installation.
How Can You Protect Against Escape of Water?
There are a few ways to protect your property against this peril involving making sure water pipes are fully lagged (especially those in outbuildings) and also trying to keep the heating on at a low temperature or for the water to be turned off at source and the system drained down if it is a property or building that isn’t used as often (Holiday Homes for example).
Water Leak Detection Devices
In recent years a number of devices have been created that can detect water leaks and either alert you to this or shut your system down preventing a large amount of damage and inconvenience to your clients. We have undertaken some research on these devices and can advise of the following devices which will assist in these areas.