+44 (0) 1223 200 678 [email protected]

BT has announced the closure of all Redcare operations from 1st August 2025. As a result, Redcare customers will need to replace their alarm signalling equipment before this date and preferably as soon as possible. This is to avoid likely issues with high demand for the supply and fit of alternative signalling products from other providers the closer we get to 1st August 2025.

Anyone with intruder alarms using Redcare connections must therefore replace these with alternative products before the 1st August 2025.

Many of you may already have had to do this to ensure continued service after the ongoing All IP Network migration, which is scheduled for completion in late 2025.

This work will be undertaken by the policyholders’ National Security Inspectorate (NSI), or Security Systems and Alarm Inspection Board (SSAIB) approved alarm company. During this change it is crucial to ensure your replacement service provides the same performance level as their current Redcare product.

Many insurers default Alarm Transmission Systems (ATS) performance category requirement is DP3 under BSEN50136-1, therefore any replacement service meeting DP3 will be regarded as acceptable.

Any replacement meeting other performance categories must be referred to us to obtain insurer approval before a commitment to order is made.

We will be more than happy to discuss any concerns you might have. Please ring or email us for any further information.