+44 (0) 1223 200 678 [email protected]

The changes that were due to come into place for centrally monitored alarm systems, under the “BT all IP by 2025” initiative have been extended until 2027, instead of 2025.

This gives the 225,000 plus users more time to migrate from the landline based system, onto the updated fibreoptic technology. 2027 is however the deadline for this roll out across the entirety of the UK and therefore could still happen anytime between now and then.

Separate to this, as of 1st August 2025, BT Redcare is going to cease to operate their “Legacy” range of monitoring products, including the BT Redcare Classic, GSM, Secure 2, Secure 3 and Secure IP. Addsecure, an established provider of monitoring products in Europe, will collaborate however with BT Redcare to continue their “Next Generation Portfolio” of monitoring products. This includes the BT Redcare Advanced, Advanced Extra, Essential, Essential Extra, Essential IP and the Ultimate.

Any client that has a monitored alarm system that uses a BT Redcare “Legacy” product will need to have their monitoring equipment changed by 1st August 2025, for those with a “Next Generation” product their monitoring connection should seamlessly transfer to Addsecure with no further works required.

Essentially, all monitored alarms that use a landline to communicate between their alarm and the Alarm Receiving Centre, will need to have their monitoring equipment replaced in this run up to the deadline of January 2027, regardless of provider. Those who have their alarm monitored via a BT Redcare “Legacy” connection will need to do so sooner rather than later, should they wish to keep their monitoring system active beyond the August deadline.

Please let us know if you need any more information.