Join us for a webinar on how you can help your clients in the changing world we are facing.
Thursday 23rd April 10:30am – 1:30am
In this webinar the security experts at AIG – Andy Taylor-Preston and Paul Mills will be discussing the following keys areas which we hope will benefit your commercial clients.
- What are the changing risks your clients now face both in the UK and Globally
- How does the AIG Crisis Solutions Product both respond and assist your clients
In a rapidly changing world this webinar will focus on the following new risks your commercial clients will be facing over the coming months and years ahead. Below are some of the topics that will be covered.
- The new threats and risks that will arise following the pandemic in the UK and globally
- The different advice for those that manage the risks and those that face the risks of travel once restriction’s lifted.
- The ‘new normal’ – what will the risks SMEs face look like in the months and years to come
Having highlighted some of the risks your clients will face, will then discuss how to mitigate them through a Crisis Solutions policy which provides both crisis insurance and complimentary risk consultancy advice.
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